
EMILY (Lawyer)

"Rebecca is a truly gifted teacher. Her technical excellence and knowledge are second-to-none. But what really sets Rebecca apart is her unique ability to explain complex concepts in practical and easy to understand terms. I've learned the physiological side of singing which has enabled me to bring an end to my bad habits (which I didn't even know I had!) and dramatically improve my singing.

I have attended singing lessons with Rebecca for several years. Over that time, I have been astounded at the extent of my vocal development and ability. Under Rebecca's tutelage my progress has been quick and truly noticeable. Rebecca really cares about her students and their progress. She invests huge amounts of time and energy into seeing her students improve both in skill and confidence. I can't recommend Rebecca highly enough!"

ROBYN (Teacher)

"In my first year of teaching, I badly strained my vocal cords and lost my voice. After a couple of weeks of rest my voice returned but it felt weak and I was always worried that I would lose it again. I became hesitant to speak loudly, or for extended periods, and this impacted on how I was able to do my job. Since seeing Rebecca I have gained control and confidence of my voice. Rebecca is incredibly knowledgeable, experienced and professional and has a warm and caring approach. The techniques that she has shown me have made a huge difference in how effectively I can use my voice when teaching. Not to mention - learning how to sing has been a wonderful added bonus!"

SHAUN (General Practitioner)

“I was recommended to see Rebecca for a voice problem that had plagued me for 5 years and was interfering with my work (I am a doctor) as well as my social life. Having seen countless medical specialists, speech therapists and physiotherapists over that time i was losing hope the problem could be corrected. After my first session with Rebecca I felt an immediate improvement, and everything she explained to me made intuitive sense. Having worked with her for the past 6 months I have had significant relief of my symptoms and can get on with my life. I can highly recommend Rebecca as an empathetic, motivated, experienced and knowledgeable vocal coach who can get results where others have failed."

MATTHEW (Engineer)

“I have had singing teachers in the past who were able to sing well but didn’t know how to effectively teach their techniques. Rebecca knows not only all the techniques and nuances with singing, but how to convey them effectively in her teaching. My initial response to my first lesson was that I learnt more in one lesson than in 6 months of lessons with my previous teacher. Every person learns things differently, and Rebecca is able to work out weaknesses in your singing and then teach you how to fix them in a way that makes most sense to you. I felt every lesson I made significant improvements with a new ‘ah ha’ moment every week. I personally had developed various weaknesses in my singing technique and in only a few lessons, Rebecca was able to pinpoint and rectify a large number of these problems. In the following weeks we were able to tackle all of my major weaknesses and start to develop a much more pleasant sound quality and tone to my voice. Rebecca was also able to provide excellent feedback on the musical composition of my personal songs to help create further interest and excitement in my music. Even if it is only for a few lessons to tighten up your technique, or an ongoing set of lessons to improve your singing from the ground up, I highly recommend anyone to join up. Well worth every penny!”

GEORGIA (Actress/Singer)

"Rebecca has helped me approach the way I use my voice in an entirely new manner, one that has targeted the tension I was suffering, and afforded me an ease that empowers me with greater tools of expression. Every lesson I am repeatedly impressed by her comprehensive knowledge of the voice and her fastidious attention to detail. I'd without doubt, suggest Rebecca's tuition to anyone serious about developing their voice through technical expertise and rigorous application."

AKOSIA (Performer)

“I’ve been looking for a singing teacher for a while now who not only knows the ideal technique that they want to teach, but can also show you how to do it based on adequate education and experience in the music industry which to me is imperative. In the past, my singing teachers couldn’t always reach the notes that I could with ease and it always left me concerned as I didn’t want to end up emulating them. But Rebecca is the real deal – after 12 months I hardly recognise my voice. I have so much more power, my range has significantly increased, and all of this has been achieved without adding strain or damaging my voice. If you are serious about singing and are willing to put in the necessary effort, I definitely recommend Rebecca from Melbourne Voice Therapy.”

STEPHANIE (Performer)

“Rebecca diagnosed all my vocal problems within the first 5 minutes of my first lesson. From there my improvement has been amazing. She has helped me to find my natural singing voice, increase my range and sing with ease. Lessons are aways fun with improvements seen in my voice every week.”

SAMANTHA (University Student)

“Over the last four years, my voice has changed tremendously. Thanks to Rebecca Lewis Fox I know all about my voice; what to do, what not to do and how to look after it. She has taught me things that have helped with numerous vocal problems. Rebecca is the most amazing teacher I’ve ever had and if it wasn’t for her, my voice wouldn’t be what it is today.”

MOIRA (Lawyer)

“Rebecca is a bright, friendly, enthusiastic teacher who has a wonderful approach to singing technique. Having studied classical singing as a mezzo soprano for several years, I wanted to work with someone who could help me develop my voice in order to sing jazz and contemporary styles too. Rebecca has helped me to identify and work on technical issues that were preventing me from singing at my best, and has helped me to develop my own voice (including rediscovering my upper soprano range, which I was starting to lose confidence in). Rebecca has taught me practical singing technique that I can use in all styles of singing. I highly recommend her as a teacher.”

CALLY (Scientist)

“Melbourne Voice Therapy has helped me to renew my passion for singing. After many years of strict classical training I had lost the enjoyment for singing that I once had, and wanted to move into different styles. After several sessions with Rebecca working to let go of the tension and bad habits I had formed, I began to find my own voice in more contempory styles. I began to see changes rapidly in my voice, as I was really able to take on board the suggestions and exercises that were communicated in such a clear and concise way. Rebecca is so encouraging and amazingly knowledgeable, with a fantastic ear for picking up and pinpointing technique issues. For the first time I’m beginning to feel confident that I can correct my own technique without constantly having to rely on a teacher. I haven’t enjoyed singing this much in years and would highly recommend Melbourne Voice Therapy to any singer, no matter if they are just starting out or have sung for many years and want to improve their technique or move into other styles."

IDO (University Student)

"I have to admit - I was a little bit skeptical when I first came to see Rebecca. I came to her with several years' worth of singing lessons under my belt, all of which had little to no effect on my voice and my technique. It felt as though I just couldn't grasp the concepts my teachers tried to explain.

Where Rebecca differs from my former teachers is her ability to convey concepts and imagery in a way that makes sense. I always thought that it was a deficit on my end: my former teachers would keep repeating the same things over and over, baffled at why I just couldn't seem to understand them.

Rebecca couldn't be more different. She will continually reframe ideas until they're clear and easy to grasp, no matter how long it takes. 2 months in and I can already feel and hear the changes in my voice.

I came to Rebecca because I was slowly losing my higher register. Working with her has helped me reclaim the notes that I'd lost and begin developing my range even further. My voice, at a foundational level, now sounds resonant to my own ears. I don't feel like I'm straining when I sing anymore - more than that, I don't sound like I'm straining when I sing anymore.

Rebecca has an uncanny knack for teaching and I plan on learning from her for a long time to come. Truly a fantastic vocal instructor."

TONY (Musician/Teacher)

“I am delighted to have Rebecca as my voice coach. Her analyses, and subsequent exercises, are thorough and insightful. Rebecca has enabled me to begin to find my voice which, in turn, has given me confidence to believe I actually have a reasonable singing voice. Her teaching approach is outstanding and her manner always encouraging, friendly and professional. I highly recommend Rebecca to anyone seeking to gain the most from their voice”.

PRUE (Visual Artist)

“I have been attending Rebecca’s one on one vocal coaching sessions for only a few months and I have found the training to be both exceptional and rewarding. Rebecca's enthusiasm combined with her refined teaching abilities has meant that my beginner level singing has advanced dramatically from when I began. Rebecca’s vocal coaching sessions are ideal for anyone who wants to develop a remarkable voice."

THERESA (University Student)

“I have undertaken private vocal lessons with Rebecca Lewis Fox on a weekly basis for many years and it has proven to be an extremely rewarding experience having her as my musical mentor. The development I have witnessed in myself is remarkable and almost miraculous.  Each week, Rebecca devotedly assists me with developing the correct vocal technique through her straightforward instructions and creative imagery.  It is not only her teaching strategies that make her beyond compare, but also her genuine, encouraging and compassionate nature. She has closely followed my progress over the years and ensured that I am heading down a path toward success. Through her shared passion for singing and her personal zeal for teaching, she persistently toils to achieve perfection in all her students.  Rebecca has broken down barriers that I had experienced in my personal singing routines.  Now, I am able to enjoy music more than ever before without these frustrating limits.  I have developed a stronger passion for singing, confidence in my own ability and the power to entertain an audience."


What people are saying about Melbourne Voice Therapy